Postdoctoral researcher genetic epidemiology F/H

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De 30 000€ à 40 000€


Your main mission is twofold :
• The implementation of association analyses between molecular biomarkers and phenotypes linked to small cerebral vessel disease,
• And the development of methodologies for integrating multi-omics data to identify new molecular phenotypes.

More specifically, your activities will be as follows:
# Data analysis
- You will participate in the bioinformatics/statistical pre-processing of multi-omics data;
- You will conduct statistical analysis of multi-omics data from the SHIVA project cohorts, and in the context of meta-analyses of other international cohorts;
- You will develop computer programs dedicated to the analysis of (gen)omic data.

# Integration of results and promotion of research
- You study the biological consistency of statistical results using bioinformatics tools and various databases;
- You participate in the promotion of results (constitution, organization, management, visualization), notably by writing scientific articles (high-level scientific journals).

# Supervision
- You will participate in the training and supervision of trainees and PhD students in the use of multi-omics data analysis software;
- You will communicate with the various project partners (national and international), in particular within the CHARGE, ISGC and BRIDGET consortia.

You will be working on a high-performance computing server and will have access to multiple molecular data generated by large-scale cohorts that also include epidemiological and brain imaging data.


Holder of a PhD in genetic epidemiology, genetic statistics, bioinformatics or equivalent, you have experience in the statistical and bioinformatics analysis of genomic data (and associated methodologies).
• You are fluent in English (written, spoken and read) and have good communication skills (written and oral);
• You are familiar with different programming languages (eg R, Python, C, C++, Perl), different computing environments (LINUX, Windows), and the use of computer clusters/grids.
• You know how to manage, organize and manipulate large-scale (genomic) data, combining the right tools for the right problems;
• You are familiar with common statistical genetics and bioinformatics tools (e.g. FUSION, GATK, GSEA, GWAMA, LDPRED, MAGMA, Metal, Plink, Regenie, PRScs, R, Regar);
• You are able to carry out studies and analyses based on omics data and implement integrated multi-omics analysis strategies.

More information:

By joining the Bordeaux Population Health Center, you will work in the ELEANOR team under the direct supervision of David-Alexandre Tregouët and Stéphanie Debette.
You will interact closely with other teams at the BPH, the IHU VHI and the SHIVA project in Bordeaux.

Based in Bordeaux – access by tramway line A (stop « Hopital Pellegrin ») buses, bike.
The laboratory is near the city-centre of Bordeaux and about 60 Km of the Atlantic coast.

18-month fixed-term contract

Salary gross: between 2750€ and 3000€ according the salary grid

Job Benefits:
50 days of vacation from the first year of collaboration
Remote working possible according to needs and organization of the service
Refill of 75% of the subscription to the public transport
Participation in the private healthcare up to 15€ / month
Leisure, sport and culture for all staff
Disabled-friendly establishment
Possibility of staff parking
Sustainable mobility package for commuting – work

Recruitment process : After the publication period, we will contact the selected candidates for an interview with the manager(s) and the recruitment manager.
To be complete, your application must include at least your CV and a cover letter (2 pages).


Fondamentalement pluridisciplinaire, l’université de Bordeaux accueille plus de 55 000 étudiants et comptabilise 6 000 personnels (dont 2 800 personnels BIATSS), ainsi que 1 000 personnels « hébergés » issus des organismes de recherche (CNRS, INSERM, …). Elle est dotée d’un budget global d’environ 560 M€.

Lauréat des grands programmes nationaux d’investissement en faveur de l’ESRI (opération Campus et Idex), respectivement dotés de 450 et 700 millions d’euros, et candidat à la pleine propriété de son patrimoine immobilier, cet établissement connaît une trajectoire et une dynamique d’évolution résolument tournées vers un modèle d’université de recherche à rayonnement international.

L’université de Bordeaux est composée de quatre collèges de formation et de trois départements de recherche regroupant respectivement en leur sein, des composantes internes (UFR, instituts et unités de formation) et des unités de recherche (équipes d’accueil, unités mixtes de recherche et un Observatoires des sciences de l'univers). Elle comprend également un collège des écoles doctorales, une Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Éducation (ESPE), un Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin (ISVV), un Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) ainsi qu’un Centre de Formation des Apprentis (CFA). Ces différentes composantes se répartissent sur l’ensemble du territoire régional aquitain et plus particulièrement au sein du département de la Gironde avec les campus de Bordeaux, Talence, Pessac et Gradignan. Le patrimoine bâti sur l’ensemble de ces sites universitaires représente plus de 567 000 m2.

L’université de Bordeaux assure, pour le compte d’autres établissements universitaires du site, la gestion d’un certain nombre d’opérations ou d’activités à caractère interuniversitaire (opération Campus, Initiative d’excellence (Idex), fonctions documentaires, numériques et de vie de campus notamment).

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